
Did you know that more than 1 ton of plastic per person has already been made since we started using it in the mid-20th century? 1000 KG per person, that's fair too much! especially considering that not everyone has access to all products. We can say that more plastic has already been manufactured than each of us could ever need in a lifetime.


There are 2 big problems with plastic:


1. The single-use plastic! And it is 40% of all the plastic that is produced. And worse when they are often microplastic, impossible to separate and recycle. It should be prohibited or that its use entailed the payment of very high taxes, so we would avoid using it whenever it was not necessary.


2. We only recycle 25%! 15% is incinerated releasing highly polluting gases and 60% accumulates in landfills and in natural environments, disfiguring our cities and towns.


The problem is not the plastic itself, but the misuse that is being given to it.



circular economy example





At CitySens we use plastic to create sustainable home products. Making this type of design with other materials would be very expensive or very difficult to transport.


Knowing this problem that we have with plastic, we are committed not only to recycling but also to reuse. Let's use the plastic that already exists!


That is why we bet on recycled plastic to create our products, also thinking that they will last for many years. This is also called Upcycling: giving high value to a waste.



circular economy product design





Did you know that plastic can only be recycled 5 times? Later it has been mixed so much with other materials that it loses properties. It is very important that the plastic is made of quality. We must look not only that it is recycled plastic but also that it is designed to last, years and years! That is why in 2021 we have proposed to close the recycling cycle of your CitySens products.


How? Collecting the CitySens products that you no longer use, to give a new life to its components or recycling the parts that can no longer be used. To do so we are going to:


1. Join forces with COCOLI, a German second-hand furniture and decoration online store.


2. Sending once or twice a year to Moldblade, Portamaletas and Devesa all the parts that cannot be reused for recycling and that are part of our next production.


And what do you have to do to join? It is as simple as sending us an email to with your information and the CitySens you want to give a new life to. We will answer you by flying to manage everything.


We are going to ask you a favor, help us with the cost of the collection, but we will give you something in return! A discount coupon to spend on CitySens. For example, if the collection were € 10, we would send you a € 20 voucher.


* At the moment we will only have the option available in the peninsula, but without a doubt we will continue working hard to gain ground for plastic around the world.

* The discount coupon will have an expiration of one year and will be for a single use.



economia circular en CitySens