
Do you know how the product you are looking at was created?


We collect bottles abandoned in nature or recovered from restaurants to give them a second life.


plant in recycled bottle


Juan Righetti, founder of @upcyclingbottles, cleans, cuts, polishes, and textures the bottles to create refined containers.




Finally, in our CitySens studio in Tarragona, we 3D print the support that best fits each bottle and plant: 108 layers of biopolymer with 40% wood form the plant support.


soilless plant hydroponics


This transparent pot is designed for hydroponic cultivation, allowing you to not only observe the growth of the leaves but also the roots to get a complete view of the entire plant.


colored transparent pot plant hydroponics


Every transparent Citysens pot has a unique story. You too can create your own story. Choose the color and plant that best suit your space: enjoy nature with a practical and elegant design.

